
Product Life Cycle

In order to better understand the role of the QA with in the entire process of product delivery we first need to understand the process as a whole.

In the beginning there was the Marketing Product Manager; this person in-fact is suppose to outline the product road map and list down the requirements of the product.
The product manager will usually base his requirement lists according to market trends and need which he was exposed to, thus laying out a road map for the product and its list of features, further input/ specifications may come from specific costumers which have shown an interest in the product it self.

Next comes the System Engineer - his role will be to translate the sometimes vague requests of the Product Manager into R&D / development tasks.
basically the system engineer will lay out the method in which the solution is to be designed... his role is to design a system which answers the current requirements but keeps in mind future needs scalability and much more .
you may read more about Sys. Engineering in the following blog :

The System engineering role is vitals since development with out a plan equals in my mind to a chicken running around with out a head.

Once the System engineer has completed his role come in the developers and take the plans laid out by the System engineer and devise the actual code structure .

Once code structure and design has be done it is time to get down to the dirty part of writing the actual code.

It is a common misconception to think that the QA role will follow only at the end after the programmer has completed his work.


If we remember the tasks we listed in the previous segment we shall see that the QA is suppose to accompany the product throughout the life cycle from infancy to maturity.

Good QA will be made part even in the early stages so they are at least aware of the Product manager list of requirements so see that they actually match the requirements from the costumer.

then , it is up to the QA to make sure the above mentioned list correlates and is fully covered in the design layed out by the system engineer.

last but not least QA will then test the product delivered by the programmer and make sure it complies with the list of requirements listed above and further to this that it functions properly with out affecting the environment surrounding it, be it the machine running the product or other machines in the network.

Good QA will try to predict costumer requirements and methods of use for the product and then test that these are actually possible .

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