
Bug Status List

since one of the focal point in the QA is testing and its by product - the bug , I thought I should spend some time detailing the bug status list - the list below is one which I think is most efficient , mind you in my organization we do not use it in exactly the same manner :(

Open - The Initial state of the Bug when the QA has reported it for the first time.

Non Reproducible
- This state is marked in order to let the programmer know that this bug has been observed but can not be re- produced.

- Once the Programmer has identified the source of the problem fixed it and released a version to the QA, the Bug status will be changed by the programmer to this state - pending QA re-test confirmation.

- Once QA has received the Fixed version it will re-test, if the bug re occurs QA will then mark the bug as re-opened

Closed - Once the bug has been retested and the fix is confirmed then the QA will update the bug status to Closed.

  • Next two status options are not with in the general bug life cycle for obvious reasons.

Duplicate - when the same bug has been reported twice ( by two QA engineers or when one problem report arrives from a costumer and another from the QA) the bug will be reported as duplicate and the fix will be marked only on one of the duplicate bugs.

Behaviour - Not a Bug - This status marks this certain "malfunction" is by design - basically indicating that QA may have miss understood the design and suggested solution according to the MRD/SRD ... (http://qa-regarding-qa.blogspot.com/2009/01/qa-methodology.html)